All 4 you

1. Elektrika

Elektrika– stara koča

Elektrika se proizvaja preko sončnih celic in sicer dva sistema sončnih celic (sistem 1- 3 celice in sistem 2 – 2 celici). V kleti se nahajata 2 razmernika in dva sistema baterij. Stikalo za preusmeritev baterij se nahaja desno spodaj – nad sistemom baterij. Ko in če napetost baterij pade pod 12 voltov, se avtomatično zažene agregat na kurilno olje, ki – polni baterije preko dveh napajalcev z močjo 2 x 30 A. Rezervoar za kurilno olje je potrebno napolniti po 8-urah delovanja agregata. Rezervno kurilno olje se nahaja v kleti. Agregat se avtomatično ugasne po delovanju od 1 – 2 ur. Agregat se nahaja v spodnji kleti – -poleg bazena za kopanje. Nad agregatom se nahaja stikalo za izklop agregata – če želite izklopiti agregat pred potekom obdobja polnjenja. Celotni sistem zagotavlja enosmerno elektriko 12 V (rdeča stikala za luči) in tudi 220 V, kar zagotavlja inverter z močjo 2000 W. V stari koči deluje radio sistem za predvajanje glasbe. Sistem se lahko poveže tudi s TV aparatom za izboljšanje zvoka. V stari koči se nahajata dva polnilnika za baterije, ki napajajo 2 prenosna radia in prenosno svetilko ter polnilec za mobilne telefone (makita). V koči se nahajata dve kameri.

Eletrika – nova koča

Elektrika v novo kočo prihaja preko žic iz stare koče. V novi koči deluje sistem 220 V napetosti. V kleti v novi koči se nahaja tudi pipa za točenje odprtega piva in jabolčnega soka (desna pipa). Hlajenje pijače se zagotavlja zgolj v času delovanja sonca, saj je hladilnik velik porabnik elektrike. V koči se nahaja ena kamera.


Zelo pomembno je, da velike porabnike polnite v času, ko sije sonce. Od 19:00-te ure dalje je smiselno uporabljati zgolj luči in hladilnik ter TV sprejemnik. V nujnih primerih se lahko zamenja uporaba baterij, preko stikala za menjavo baterij.


1. Electricity 

Oldd cottage

Electricity is produced via solar cells, namely two systems of solar cells (system 1 – 3 cells and system 2 – 2 cells).

There are 2 ratios and two battery systems in the basement. The battery diverter switch is located on the lower right – above the battery system.

When and if the voltage of the batteries falls below 12 volts, the heating oil generator is automatically started, which – charges the batteries via two power supplies with a power of 2 x 30 A. The fuel oil tank must be filled after 8 hours of operation of the generator. The spare heating oil is located in the basement.

The unit switches off automatically after 1-2 hours of operation. The unit is located in the lower basement – -next to the swimming pool. Above the generator, there is a switch to turn off the generator – if you want to turn off the generator before the charging period expires.

The whole system provides 12V DC electricity (red switches for the lights) and also 220V, which is provided by a 2000W inverter.

The old cottage has a radio system for playing music. The system can also be connected to a TV set for sound enhancement.

In the old cottage there are two battery chargers that power 2 portable radios and a portable flashlight, as well as a mobile phone charger (Makita).

There are two cameras in the cottage.

Electricity – new cottage

Electricity comes to the new cottage via wires from the old cottage. A 220 V voltage system works in the new cottage. In the cellar of the new cottage there is also a tap for pouring open beer and apple juice (right tap). The cooling of the drink is ensured only during the working hours of the sun, as the refrigerator is a large consumer of electricity.

There is one camera in the cottage.


It is very important to charge large consumers during the time when the sun is shining. From 7:00 p.m., it makes sense to use only the lights, the refrigerator, and the TV set.

In an emergency, the use of batteries can be changed via the battery change switch.

2. Ogrevanje vode

Ogrevanje vode stara koča

Ogrevanje vode poteka preko sistema plinskega grelca. Če želite vročo vodo, odprite pipo (smer rdeče barve) in počakajte da priteče topla voda

Ogrevanje vode – nova koča

Ogrevanje vode poteka preko sistema plinskega grelca. Če želite vročo vodo, odprite pipo (smer rdeče barve) in počakajte da priteče topla voda. Sistem velja za obe kopalnici.

2. Water heating

Water heating old cottage
Water is heated via a gas heater system. If you want hot water, open the tap (red direction) and wait for hot water to flow.
Water heating – new cottage
Water is heated via a gas heater system. If you want hot water, open the tap (red direction) and wait for hot water to flow. The system applies to both bathrooms.

3. Voda

V stari in novi koči zagotavljamo vodo iz dveh vodnjakov, ki zagotavljata vsak po 12 m3 vode.

3. Water

In the old and new cottage, we provide water from two wells, each providing 12 m3 of water.

4. Kuhanje

V stari koči se nahaja plinski štedilnik, štedilnik na drva in peč na drva, kjer je mogoče pripravljati tudi pice. 

V zunanji kuhinji se lahko pripravljajo jedi izpod peke ali pa jedi iz žara.

V novi koči se nahaja prenosljivi kuhalnik na plin, zunanja peč za pripravo pic ter odprto kurišče za pripravo jedi iz žara.

Ne priporočamo nobene naparava za pripravo jedi, ki porablja veliko elektrike.

4. Cooking

In the old cottage there is a gas stove, a wood-burning stove and a wood-burning oven where you can also prepare pizzas.

In the outdoor kitchen, you can prepare dishes from the oven or from the grill.

In the new cottage, there is a portable gas cooker, an outdoor oven for preparing pizzas and an open fireplace for preparing food from the grill.

We do not recommend any food preparation device that consumes a lot of electricity.